Thursday, October 27, 2011


As an assignment, we were told to recreate a diamond with gradient tools and shine.. this is what i came up with (:

Dream House~

As an assignment, wewere told to use illustrator to build a dream house or a house we have lived in or live in currently.. this is what i came up with.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Avril Lavigne Text Face~

As an assignment, we were told to select an musician and find a picture of them.. Then to make it our own design we were told to outline them with their own lyrics.. i chose Avril Lavigne and this is what i came up with (:

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Book Cover~

As an assignment, we were told to find a book and create a better version of a book cover that would attract more readers, this is what I came up with.

Enviornmental Issues Collage~

As an assignment, we were told to find an issue and then create a collage to express the faults of this issue, this is what i came up with