Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Artist Statement~

Mikayla Marie Ackerschott
Class of 2012
Who am I?
I am compassionate. I am stubborn. I am enthusiastic. This portrait is a better illustration of whom I am and who I will become, than simply giving you a straightforward paragraph explaining myself. It shows my past, present, and future in seven humble letters and eleven altered images all fixed together in my own depiction. The background shows my roots from the beautiful Snake River in Idaho to one of San Diego’s strong piers. My culture, within the backdrop, has shaped my virtues, beliefs, and goals towards becoming a daughter that my parents can be proud of. Each character has a visual representation of a part of me that would otherwise be silent in a plain photo, giving it meaning and life.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Art Exhibition~

As our final, we were told to either take our name or a photo of ourselves and make it describe and show, in our own way, who we are... This is what I came up with <3

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Rape Prezi~


This is my project with my partner, Tiffany Hicban, concerning the statistics and topic of rape.